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Somagetic 2 Day Workshop in Dubai

Somagetic 2 day workshop is a weekend-long in-depth introduction to external body de-armouring, ecstatic experiences (sometimes experienced as a full body energy orgasm) and shamanic breathwork. It is a powerful and inward exploration designed to support the moving-through of emotions or traumas which have not been fully integrated, experienced or felt. It is a hands-on, experiential weekend aimed at awakening the heart and energy body that (for many) have become desensitized due to our environment, conditionings and state of being.

The workshop will be held in English. In this 2 day workshop we will…

  • Experience two Somagetic Shamanic Breathwork journeys which offer the opportunity to drop into an altered bliss-state similar to that experienced in deep meditation or plant medicine journey.
  • Experience and learn the basics of Somagetic De-armouring which helps release stuck and stagnant energies held in the physical, energetic and emotional bodies.

Experience and learn the basics of a Somagetic Ecstatic Experience, also known as a full body energy orgasm. Leave feeling lighter, freer, more liberated and alive.

Explore what it’s like to trust, allow and surrender in a supportive space. Activate our parasympathetic nervous system and strengthen our vagal tone (vagus nerve) using sound, breath, movement and energy channeling. Practice presence, patience and ’involved detachment’.

Dates & Times

  • Dates & Times: Planning for Q4 2024


Dubai, UAE (exact location TBD)


1500AED (€370)*

*If finances are an issue, options exist including payment plans.

DAY 1 & 2 (mornings)

Somagetic Shamanic Breathwork

Somagetic shamanic breathwork is a sacred breath ritual with roots in both ancient and modern breath practices. It is a dynamic, accelerated, in-and-out of the mouth style of breath which activates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic activation is what helps release stored emotions and energies that are often deeply rooted in our body. These stored energies weaken our vagal tone (vagus nerve), obstruct the energetic flow between chakras as well as inhibit the ability to live heart-centred.

For an example of the breathwork we will experience each morning, please watch this video:

DAY 1 (afternoon)

Somagetic De-armouring

Armour can be described as traumatic or emotional experiences (major or minor), which have not been fully felt, experienced or integrated. Instead, they become stored in our physical, emotional and energetic bodies. This stored armour places a great deal of stress on our nervous system, especially the vagus nerve. It can hinder the flow of our life force or sexual energy, our ability to connect from the heart and can impact how we show up in the world and relate to others. Somagetic de-armouring is the experience of moving through and releasing these somatic and energetic blockages using breath, sound, energy channeling, pressure point touch, shaking and shamanic techniques. For a visual example of de-armouring I recommend watching these 2 videos:
DAY 2 (afternoon)

Somagetic Ecstatic Experiences

Stemming from venerable systems of energy practices such as pranic healing, qigong and reiki, a Somagetic ecstatic experience (which is often described as a full body energy orgasm) is a way to deepen our connection with self, liberate our sexual, creative, life-force energy and reach expanded states of consciousness and bliss. It is a dynamic process that activates our parasympathetic nervous system, strengthens our vagal tone (vagus nerve) and ultimately supports us in reconnecting with our energetic body. A Somagetic ecstatic experience is not a sexual massage. In fact, the experience involves very little touch. It is also important to note that every ecstatic experience is unique to the receiver dependant on one’s level of surrender, state of allowance and their energy sensitivity. For examples of ecstatic experiences, I invite you to watch these videos:

Curious what the overall workshop looks like?
Consider watching this short video:

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Register Your Interest

Nathan has been coming to Dubai since 2023 to conduct his energy and body-work workshops. We are now building a waitlist for his next visit at the end of the 2024 year. Please fill in your information to stay up to date with this event, and to be the first invited when dates are set.

No payment is required at this time. This form simply allows us to get in touch with you when Nathan comes back to Dubai next.

Cancellation Policy

You cancel:

If you cancel 8 days or more before the workshop start date, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel 7 days or less before the workshop start date there is no refund. There is no refund if you leave during the workshop, only time credit towards a future workshop. Tickets are transferrable to a friend or family member.

I cancel:

If I am forced to cancel due to a lack of sign ups, severe illness or venue cancellation/emergency, I will refund you in full. PLEASE NOTE: If you are travelling from out of city, state, province or country, I am not responsible for any financial loss of flights and/or accommodations. I therefore recommend that you book only refundable or reusable flights and/or accommodations.

Practical Information

The workshop is for all beings: women, men, non-binary, LGBTQIA+, singles & partners. De-armouring & the ecstatic experience are always done in pairs yet it is not necessary to come with a partner. The universe will choose your partner for you when the time comes. Furthermore, both practices are gender free, meaning, it does not matter how your practice partner identifies for you to have a deep experience. If you are pregnant, suffer from mental illness, experience severe anxiety, epilepsy, seizures or have osteoporosis, severe glaucoma, a serious heart condition or have recently had a major surgery this workshop may not be for you. Please contact me for further details. Please do not wear cologne or perfume. It is recommended to be well rested for Saturday morning and to not have much planned for Saturday and Sunday evening to allow your body and mind to process & integrate.

What to bring:

  • Open heart and open mind.
  • Water bottle.
  • Notebook and pen if you are a note-taking person (although the workshop is not theory based).
  • Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing
  • If you choose to eat in rather than eat out, please bring a packed dinner. Otherwise there are a few locations that are within walking distance to grab snacks or dinner.

Workshop Agreements

By signing up for the workshop you agree to the following…
I understand that everything said or done during the workshop is confidential. I am free to share my own experiences but will not talk about what someone else has done or said. I will not reveal real names, nicknames or explicit details about any person at the workshop to someone outside of the workshop.

I will respect everybody’s boundaries and ensure that all my activities and interactions are respectful and only involve people who have given their consent to the interaction. If I’m unsure about someone’s boundaries or if I’m not sure if someone has understood my boundaries, or if it’s in some way unclear what we have consented to, I will take responsibility for taking the time to clarify this before we continue.

I understand that the following is not allowed: hateful, harmful, threatening or bullying behaviour; to discriminate or harass anyone regardless of their gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual preferences, ethnicity, colour, age, functionality, social affiliation, religion or other beliefs.

I understand that I am participating in a workshop that is not a substitute for therapy. I am responsible for participating in a way that I can manage (physically, psychologically, and emotionally). I understand everything that happens at the workshop is voluntary and that I am not compelled to do anything I feel uncomfortable with. I take full responsibility for my boundaries, for what I don’t want to receive and what I’m not willing to give.

I understand that I can at any time change my mind, say No, stop what I’m doing or leave the room or situation. I can always (as long as it’s done with consent) adjust any exercise or interaction to better suit my needs and what I really want to give or are willing to receive.

I am solely responsible for having the insurance I wish to have during the workshop. I cannot claim compensation for something I did or exposed myself for.

I will not use any alcohol or drugs, not even drugs that are legal or considered being natural (like plants or mushrooms).

I understand that it’s permitted to use medicine prescribed by a doctor, but I will inform the facilitator (Nathan) about any psychiatric treatments, physical dysfunctions, pregnancy, recent surgeries or medications that might have a negative impact on my participation or other peoples safety and I will adjust my participation according to my health condition.